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Using Nox with PDM

Nox and PDM are both fantastic Python development tools. However, their opposite stances towards virtual environment usage makes using them together a little more cumbersome. In this note, I’ll explain how I integrated Nox in my PDM workflow.

We will use Nox to automate testing on multiple Python versions during CI. We’d also like to run our tests using a similar command locally without having to maintain almost duplicate Nox sessions. We’ll therefore try and vary the Nox session’s behaviour using Nox and PDM features.


Local testing

For this use case, we want Nox to simply do pytest <some_args> in the currently active virtual environment or using our PEP 582 setup. We notably do not want an installation step: this is taken care of by the user upon development enviromnent setup. Since our development dependencies include Pytest, we want Nox to call:

pdm run pytest tests/

The only caveat is that PDM is external to our currently active environment: we’ll use the external argument of the function. We therefore create a simple as follows:

import nox

def test(session):
    """Run the test suite.""""pdm", "run", "pytest", "tests", external=True)

We can then invoke the nox command without virtual environment usage as follows:

nox --no-venv -s test

This will run Pytest in the currently active environment (or our PEP 582 setup).

Traditional Nox workflow

Let’s extend our usage to the regular virtual environment-based Nox workflow. We still want to retain the previous behaviour, but we also want it to work fine in an isolated virtual environment. We’ll first configure PDM (using environment variables) to behave as follows:

We’ll then install our testing dependencies to our virtual environment using

pdm install -G tests

Our should now look like this (assuming we parametrise our session to test against all the Python versions we have installed on our system):

import os
import nox

def _has_venv(session):
    return not isinstance(session.virtualenv, nox.virtualenv.PassthroughEnv)

@nox.session(python=("3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10"))
def test(session):
    """Run the test suite."""

    # If a virtual environment is used, configure PDM appropriately and install
    # If --no-venv is used, the install step is skipped
    if _has_venv(session):
        os.environ.update({"PDM_USE_VENV": "1", "PDM_IGNORE_SAVED_PYTHON": "1"})"pdm", "install", "-G", "tests", external=True)"pdm", "run", "pytest", "tests", external=True)

#nox #pdm #python